G13 Coolant: Color, Types, Uses & Benefits

Coolant is crucial for regulating engine temperature and preventing overheating, and G13 coolant offers advanced features to ensure optimal performance and protection for your vehicle’s cooling system.

In this article, we will explore the G13 coolant, its composition, benefits, proper usage, and common misconceptions.

What is G13 Coolant?

G13 coolant, also known as G13++, VW G13, or G13++, is a cutting-edge engine coolant that builds upon the success of its predecessors, such as G12 coolant

It is formulated with a precise blend of organic acid technology (OAT) and other additives to provide exceptional performance and protection for the cooling system.

Composition of G13 Coolant

The composition of G13 coolant, also known as G13 antifreeze or G13 engine coolant, typically consists of a blend of organic acids and corrosion inhibitors.

These components are formulated to provide effective protection against rust, corrosion, and cavitation within the cooling system of a vehicle.

The exact formulation of G13 coolant may vary slightly among different manufacturers, but the general composition includes the following key ingredients:

Organic Acids: G13 coolant contains organic acids, such as sebacic acid or 2-ethylhexanoic acid, which act as corrosion inhibitors.

These organic acids create a protective layer on the internal surfaces of the cooling system components, preventing metal corrosion and extending the lifespan of the system.

Silicates and Phosphates: Silicates and phosphates are common additives found in G13 coolant.

They help to provide additional protection against corrosion and deposits that can accumulate over time, ensuring the cooling system remains clean and efficient.

Glycols: G13 coolant typically contains ethylene glycol or propylene glycol. These glycols serve as the base fluid, responsible for the coolant’s ability to transfer heat away from the engine.

They have high boiling points and low freezing points, allowing the coolant to function effectively in both extreme cold and hot temperatures.

Water: G13 coolant is typically a mixture of the base glycol and distilled water in the appropriate ratio.

Water aids in heat transfer and acts as a medium for the coolant to circulate through the engine and radiator.

What Color is G13 Coolant?

G13 coolant is typically available in a vibrant violet or pink color. 

However, it’s important to note that the exact color can vary slightly depending on the manufacturer and the specific variant of G13 coolant.

How to Tell if Coolant is G13?

To determine if the coolant in your vehicle is G13 coolant, you can follow these steps:

Check the color: G13 coolant is typically a vibrant violet or purple color, although it may appear slightly pinkish. 

Look at the coolant in the reservoir or radiator and compare it to the characteristic G13 coolant color. If the coolant matches the violet or purple hue, there is a good chance it is a G13 coolant.

Consult the vehicle’s manual: Refer to your vehicle’s owner’s manual or maintenance guide. It should specify the recommended coolant type for your vehicle. 

Look for any mention of G13 coolant or a coolant specification that matches G13. The manual will provide the most accurate information regarding the coolant type required for your specific vehicle.

Contact the manufacturer: If you’re still unsure, you can reach out to the vehicle manufacturer directly or contact a dealership that specializes in your vehicle’s make. 

Provide them with your vehicle’s details, such as the make, model, and year, and ask specifically about the recommended coolant type. They can confirm if G13 coolant is the appropriate choice for your vehicle.

Label or markings on the coolant container: Examine the container or bottle of the coolant you have. It may have a label or markings indicating the type of coolant it is, including whether it is a G13 coolant. 

Check for any mention of G13 or the coolant specification recommended for your vehicle.

What Does G13 Coolant Look Like?

G13 coolant typically has a vibrant violet or pink color. The exact shade may vary slightly among different manufacturers, but the color is generally distinctive and easy to identify. This unique color is intentional and serves as a visual indicator to differentiate G13 coolant from other types of coolant.

When you open the coolant reservoir or radiator cap, you will typically see the coolant in its liquid form. It should appear as a translucent or transparent liquid with a characteristic violet or pink hue. The color helps you visually confirm that the correct coolant is being used in your vehicle.

It’s worth noting that the appearance of G13 coolant may change over time due to normal wear and tear, contaminants, or prolonged usage. If the coolant appears cloudy, discolored or contains particles, it may indicate the need for a coolant flush and replacement.

Advantages of g13 coolant

G13 coolant offers several key features that set it apart from traditional coolant options:

1. Enhanced Corrosion Protection

G13 coolant provides superior protection against corrosion for various engine components, including aluminum, cast iron, and copper alloys. This helps extend the lifespan of the cooling system and prevents costly repairs. 

The organic acids in G13 coolant create a protective barrier on metal surfaces, effectively inhibiting the formation of rust and corrosion.

2. Efficient Heat Transfer

With excellent heat transfer properties, G13 coolant effectively dissipates heat generated by the engine, ensuring optimal operating temperatures and preventing overheating. This is crucial for maintaining engine performance and longevity. 

G13 coolant’s high thermal conductivity allows it to absorb heat efficiently and transfer it away from critical engine components.

3. Extended Service Life

G13 coolant is designed to have an extended service life compared to traditional coolants. It offers long-lasting protection, reducing the frequency of coolant changes and maintenance requirements. 

G13 coolant’s advanced formulation, including its corrosion inhibitors and stable additives, helps maintain its effectiveness over an extended period.

4. Compatibility with Aluminum and Other Metals

G13 coolant is specifically formulated to be compatible with various metals used in modern engine designs, including aluminum. 

This prevents galvanic corrosion and ensures the longevity of engine components. G13 coolant’s corrosion inhibitors create a protective layer on metal surfaces, preserving their integrity and preventing damage.

G13 Coolant vs. Traditional Coolants

G13 coolant stands out from traditional coolants due to its advanced formulation and performance. 

While traditional coolants, such as ethylene glycol-based coolants, may offer basic protection, G13 coolant provides enhanced benefits, including superior corrosion protection, extended service life, and compatibility with a wide range of metals. 

G13 coolant’s organic acid technology offers improved environmental friendliness compared to traditional coolant options.

Proper Usage and Maintenance

A. Manufacturer Guidelines for G13 Coolant Usage:

To ensure optimal performance and compatibility, it is crucial to follow the manufacturer guidelines provided by Audi or the specific vehicle manufacturer. 

These guidelines may include recommendations on the type of coolant to use, coolant change intervals, and proper mixing ratios.

B. Recommended Coolant Change Intervals for G13 Coolant:

G13 coolant is known for its extended service life compared to traditional coolants. However, it is still important to adhere to the recommended coolant change intervals specified by the manufacturer. 

Typically, G13 coolant is designed to last for several years or a specific mileage, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations.

C. Proper Mixing Ratios and Dilution with Water:

G13 coolant should be mixed with water before adding it to the cooling system. The mixing ratio can vary depending on the manufacturer’s specifications, but a common ratio is a 50:50 mixture of G13 coolant and distilled water.

 It is important to use distilled water to prevent impurities or minerals that can impact the coolant’s performance. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for the correct mixing ratio for your specific vehicle.

D. Importance of Regular Coolant Inspections and Top-Ups:

Periodic inspections of the coolant level and condition are essential to ensure that the cooling system is functioning optimally. 

Check the coolant level in the coolant reservoir when the engine is cool and add G13 coolant as needed. 

If the coolant level consistently drops, it may indicate a leak in the system that needs to be addressed promptly.

G13 Coolant Replacement

A. Steps for Replacing G13 Coolant:

When it’s time to replace the G13 coolant in your vehicle, follow these general steps:

1. Ensure the engine is cool: It is important to avoid working with hot components to prevent injury. Allow the engine to cool down before proceeding.

2. Locate the coolant drain plug: Consult the vehicle’s owner’s manual to find the coolant drain plug, typically located at the bottom of the radiator or on the engine block.

3. Drain the old coolant: Place a drain pan beneath the drain plug and open it to allow the old coolant to drain completely. Follow proper disposal guidelines for used coolant.

4. Flush the cooling system (optional): Flushing the cooling system can help remove any residual contaminants or old coolant. Consult the vehicle’s manual or seek professional assistance for the appropriate flushing procedure.

5. Close the drain plug: Once the old coolant has drained, securely close the drain plug.

6. Refill the cooling system: Slowly pour the appropriate mixture of G13 coolant and distilled water into the coolant reservoir, following the manufacturer’s recommended mixing ratio. Avoid overfilling the reservoir.

7. Bleed air from the system: To ensure proper coolant circulation, bleed air from the cooling system if necessary. Refer to the vehicle’s manual for specific instructions.

8. Check the coolant level: After the coolant replacement, monitor the coolant level in the reservoir and top up as needed.

B. Flushing the Cooling System before G13 Coolant Replacement:

Flushing the cooling system involves removing old coolant and debris from the system to maintain its performance and prevent contamination. 

Flushing may be recommended when switching to G13 coolant or as part of regular maintenance. 

The flushing process typically involves using a flushing agent or a mixture of distilled water and a coolant flush solution. 

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions or consult a professional technician for the appropriate flushing procedure for your vehicle.

What cars use G13 coolant?

G13 coolant is used in both Audi and Volkswagen (VW) vehicles. Audi and VW are part of the Volkswagen Group, and G13 coolant is the recommended coolant for their respective models.

For Audi vehicles, G13 coolant has been specified as the recommended coolant starting from the model year 2013 and onwards. This includes various Audi models such as A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, Q3, Q5, Q7, TT, and others.

Similarly, Volkswagen (VW) models also utilize G13 coolant. VW began using G13 coolant in their vehicles around the same timeframe, starting from approximately 2013 and onwards. This includes popular VW models such as Golf, Jetta, Passat, Tiguan, Polo, and more.

Mixing G13 Coolant with Water

A. Proper Mixing Ratios for G13 Coolant

The mixing ratio of G13 coolant with water may vary depending on the manufacturer’s specifications. However, a common recommendation is a 50:50 mixture of G13 coolant and distilled water. This ratio provides a balance of freeze protection, heat transfer capabilities, and corrosion protection.

B. How to Mix G13 Coolant with Water:

To achieve the correct mixing ratio of G13 coolant and water, follow these steps:

Prepare a clean container: Use a clean container to mix the coolant and water. Avoid using a container that may have residues or contaminants that could affect the coolant’s performance.

Measure the quantities: Measure the appropriate amounts of G13 coolant and distilled water based on the desired mixing ratio and the cooling system capacity. Use a measuring cup or container with clear markings for accuracy.

Combine the coolant and water: Pour the measured amounts of G13 coolant and distilled water into the container. Start with either the coolant or water and slowly add the other component while stirring gently to ensure thorough mixing.

Mix thoroughly: Continue stirring the mixture until the G13 coolant and water are well combined.

Pour the mixture into the cooling system: Carefully pour the mixed coolant into the coolant reservoir or follow the specific instructions provided by the vehicle manufacturer.

G13 Coolant is Compatible with Other Coolants

G13 coolant is designed to be compatible with G12, G12+, and G12++ coolants. 

However, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and thoroughly flush the cooling system before switching coolant types to ensure optimal performance and compatibility.

G13 Coolant Does Not Require Maintenance

While G13 coolant offers an extended service life compared to traditional coolants, it still requires periodic maintenance. 

Regular coolant level inspections, checking for leaks, and adhering to the recommended coolant change intervals are essential for maintaining the cooling system’s effectiveness and preventing potential issues.

G13 Coolant Eliminates the Need for Corrosion Inhibitors

G13 coolant is formulated with organic acids and corrosion inhibitors designed to provide superior protection against corrosion. 

However, over time, the corrosion inhibitors may deplete, reducing their effectiveness. 

Therefore, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for coolant change intervals to ensure continued protection against corrosion.

Can G13 Coolant Can Be Mixed with Tap Water?

It is crucial to use distilled water when mixing G13 coolant. Tap water often contains minerals and impurities that can affect the coolant’s performance and potentially contribute to scale formation or corrosion. 

Using distilled water helps maintain the optimal properties of the coolant and prolongs the life of the cooling system.


G13 coolant stands as an advanced coolant option specifically engineered to meet the demands of modern vehicles, including Audi models. 

Its unique composition, featuring organic acid technology and corrosion inhibitors, provides enhanced protection against corrosion, efficient heat transfer, and extended service life.

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